Privacy Policy

CLUB ECO WATER Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") adheres to internal regulations that determine the appropriate collection, use, and provision of personal information, considering the nature and scale of its business activities. The Company takes preventive measures against unauthorized access to personal information, as well as its loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage. In the event of any occurrence, corrective measures will be promptly implemented. Recognizing the importance of personal information protection, the Company strives to continuously manage, protect, and improve the privacy of its agents to the maximum extent possible.

Purpose of Use:

The Company defines personal information as data that can identify an individual, including information about products purchased by individuals. The personal information of agents managed by the Company will be used for the following purposes:
・To provide information about the Company's products, services, seminars, events, etc.
・For product shipment, after-sales services, sending various documents and printed materials, sales, and marketing purposes.
The use of personal information will not extend beyond the above purposes unless required by law or with the consent of the individual. If it becomes necessary to use personal information for purposes other than those mentioned above, the Company will seek additional consent.

Provision to Third Parties:

The Company will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without obtaining the individual's consent. However, the following cases are exceptions where personal information may be provided to third parties:
・If there is consent from the individual.
・When deemed necessary by the Company for business activities involving introducers or upper-level agents.
・When providing information to subcontractors for purposes such as delivery services, printing services, call center operations, bonus calculation services, etc.
・When disclosure is requested by public institutions such as courts, police, or tax authorities.
・When necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.
・When disclosure or provision is required by other laws and regulations.

Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, and Suspension of Use of Registered Information:

The Company will disclose personal information to the individual upon request, provided that it does not interfere with the proper execution of its business. In such cases, we will verify the individual's identity using the Company's prescribed method.
If the disclosed personal information is found to be inaccurate, the Company will promptly correct it.
Additionally, if the individual requests the suspension of use of their personal information, the Company will immediately cease its use.

Handling of Personal Information for Each Product or Service:

The Company may specify the purpose of use, provision to third parties, security measures, and contact information for personal information on a case-by-case basis for each product or service through sites, emails, or various notices. In cases where the handling of personal information differs from or has special provisions that deviate from the general "Handling of Personal Information," the specific provisions for each product or service will take precedence.

Security of the Website and Other Channels:

The Company takes all possible measures to manage personal information securely. However, due to the nature of the Internet and email, we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality of personal information. Please use the Internet and email with this understanding.


The "Handling of Personal Information" may change without notice due to amendments to related laws and regulations or changes in the Company's policies.

Contact for Inquiries Regarding the Handling of Personal Information:

For questions or inquiries regarding the Company's privacy policy, please contact us at the following address:E-mail :